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Cattle judging is on Friday 24th January, commencing at 9:30am.

The Beef Cattle section includes classes for ALL BREEDS, while the Dairy Cattle section includes our Illawarra's as well as HOLSTEIN, JERSEY & ANY OTHER DAIRY BREEDS. There's also the INTER-BREED Section and the ever popular Junior Paraders in both sections.


All animals must be registered to be eligible to compete. All Entry Forms and accompany documents must be received by 5pm on Monday 20th January 2024. NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED

All Cattle must be identified with approved NLIS tags before they leave the property of consignment. On arrival cattle owner/exhibitors must provide:

  • A National Health Declaration

  • A National Vendor Declaration (NVD) or Transported Stock Statement (TSS) Serial number

  • A RFID or NLIS ID number of each animal arrived to the show (for large number of cattle when scanning or reading numbers is not possible, provide total number of cattle arrived to the show).



The Kiama Show is conducted under the rules and by-laws of The Kiama Show Society Inc. and The South Coast and Tablelands Show Societies Inc. Anyone entering a competition or coming into the Showground as a volunteer MUST complete and submit the relevant forms prior to the Show and adhere to all guidelines and instructions once on site.

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Horse Forms & Waivers
Global Entries - Ring Events

There are many competition classes held in 3 rings across Friday & Saturday.  It is the responsibility of each competitor to choose which events you wish to enter and complete the necessary forms and provide any additional documentation.

All Entry Forms and accompany documents must be received at least 1 hour prior to the commencement of the event.



  • Stable bookings - Contact D Chittick on 0419 272 368

  • Payment for stable bookings to be received through the Horse Entry Box

  • Fee is $5 per horse per day

  • Camping is $20 per day - Camping on-site is only permitted for horse entrants


All events run under FEI rules. See the Horse Schedule download above for further details.

ALL ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN THROUGH GLOBAL ENTRIES VIA THE LINK ABOVE. Any entries made on the day will incur an additional $5.00 on top of the class entry fee.

The Kiama Show is conducted under the rules and by-laws of the Kiama Show Society Inc. and The South Coast and Tablelands Show Societies Inc. Anyone entering a competition or coming into the Showground as a volunteer MUST complete and submit the relevant forms prior to the Show and adhere to all guidelines and instructions once on site.

PO Box 354

Kiama NSW 2533

Kiama Show 177th 2025 high res.jpg


0431 366 944 during office hours

We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Woddi Woddi people and the Dharawal nation, the traditional owners and custodians on whose land we are currently on, we respect their spiritual relationships with their country.

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